You Keep Wasting Money On Clothes You Don't Feel Good In
(I know, I've been there too!)...

Do you have that friend who can just “throw things together” and look fabulous?

Have you ever seen someone with a powerful and confident style? You might think they were born with it, but the answer is simple, they have perfected their own style. What if I told you it can be achieved even if:

  • You're overwhelmed. Your wardrobe is a confused mix of items and you don't know where to start or how to deal with it.
  • You're frustrated by shopping. Nothing seems to fit you properly or look good.
  • You wear the same clothes that no longer make you as confident as you'd like.
  • You want to create outfits you look good in, but at this point you feel unclear on what works for you, and you don't know what to focus on.
  • You think it's for celebrities. Just thinking about "styling" makes you think of politicians or celebrities and roll your eyes!
  • You're waiting for the perfect moment, maybe for the day you've lost some weight or a “one” day when you'll feel worthy.

Imagine Yourself With
Powerful Style

Your style is as unique as you are, it can't be copied from someone else.
When you transform your style you will…

Have a desirable wardrobe full of clothes that you actually enjoy wearing

Dressing up each morning feels fun and easy when whatever you choose to wear works

Be able to create a perfect outfit for any occasion.

Be able to communicate that you're an elegant woman without saying a word.

Step out your front door with unmatched freedom and confidence.

Know how to present your best self to the world, effortlessly.

Client transformation

-Priya Saggi
'Queen of the World' at the 2023 Mrs Queen of the World India pageant

“I knew something was lacking but I didn't know what. I was trying to look well put together and to have different clothes that flatter my personal style. I tried to solve it by spending a lot of money on clothes that I ended up not wearing. I felt very comfortable with Simrat, she took me very seriously and was always there for me. Simrat helped me to stand out in all the events I took part in. I have always dressed simply but now I am called fashionable and a style diva :)”

Perfect Your Style

The right fashion choices can be transformational, with the power to enhance your personality, boost your confidence, and make you feel invincible in all areas of your life. But knowing how to choose and use the clothes and accessories to your advantage takes a thorough understanding of personality, colour and body shape

To discover and embrace your own powerful style, you'll need knowledge of personalities, body shapes, colour palettes, and fashion rules.

That's where a personal stylist can help you to save time, effort, and costly mistakes of doing this alone!

With a personal stylist, you'll know to identify outfits that align with your lifestyle, while still reflecting who you are. Hiring a personal stylist will not only make you feel more confident, empowered, and authentic, but you'll also take back control of the message your clothing sends about who you are.

Simrat's 6 Steps Formula For Powerful Personal Style

Getting Starter Package

This package is for people who are self starters and are ready to take action to achieve an authentic and powerful personal style. Learn the principles and apply them with my guidance. This package includes an online consultation for up to 120 minutes and a Style Vision Board.

Dream Package

The complete 6-step formula for people who truly want to reach their full potential. This package will help you achieve your powerful personal style extraordinarily fast. Experience the best results with me by your side at every step.

Hi, I'm Simrat
Your Personal Stylist

Through my
6-step transformation formula

You will achieve a powerful personal style that will help you feel beautiful, confident, and “wow” the world each day!

Hi! I'm Simrat, and I've helped a lot of men & women to become the most stylish version, by showing them how to effortlessly dress to make the most of their shape and helping them build a closet that's easy to use and fun to wear.

I help my clients to achieve a desirable wardrobe and a powerful personal style.

I help you dress for your lifestyle, personality, and passions, not based on rules of what you "should" wear. I know how it feels to lose yourself, whether through something like the breakdown of a relationship or simply as you reach a new stage of your life. I know how frustrating it is to stand in front of your wardrobe and not really like anything that's hanging inside. And I know how disappointing it is to put on an outfit that you think will look great, only to see that, in reality, it doesn't. I've been there, too, but I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to stay that way. I'll work with you to discover colours, shapes, and styles of clothing that make your heart sing, putting the joy back into your wardrobe.


My promise to you

With your powerful personal style, you are going to be a more confident, stylish and best version of yourself.

You'll know exactly what colours, cuts and styles of clothing flatter you, as well as how to reflect and create who you authentically are through your powerful personal style.

You'll love the way you look and look the way you love.

~ Simrat


Frequently Asked Questions

This is a question I get asked a lot! And it's one that's really hard to answer because everyone's budget is so different. The most important thing to know is that I will work with YOUR budget – be that modest, generous, or something in between. The best way to know if your budget and your session outcomes align is to simply tell me what you have to spend, and I'll let you know where we can shop to get you what you want.

No, the concept of a "wrong look" doesn't exist. I won't judge your current style but I will help you refine it to achieve the desired effect. Additionally, I won't discard your current clothes. Instead, we'll work gradually to build a stylish and desirable wardrobe over time. Once you have a powerful personal style, then you can choose to donate or discard old, unattractive pieces that YOU no longer want to wear.

The online styling is perfect for people who need and want powerful style and inspiration or find shopping overwhelming, as well as international clients. The quality of style advice remains the same, regardless of whether you choose online or in-person styling.

Many women are waiting until they have reached that magical number on the scales before they will buy any new clothes. My advice? Don’t wait! Hire a stylist now! A styling expert will give you the right clothes that will make you look and feel amazing in your skin. A few great outfits will allow you to carry yourself with great confidence.

Most women can shop for a few good items on their own, but putting together a great wardrobe aligned with your personal style takes expertise. Most women have had little or no training in fashion and yet they feel embarrassed if they cannot do this on their own. Ask for advice from the experts!

Working with a personal stylist is not about extreme makeovers like you see on TV shows. My mission is to help you achieve your powerful personal style, improve your confidence, and make more informed fashion choices. You'll still be yourself, just with a refined and confident look.

Absolutely not. The process is personalized and tailored to respect your individuality. My mission is to bring out the best version of your true self while meeting your unique needs. Your personality remains unchanged. I want people to see who you are, not change who you are.

This is for you if: You struggle to create outfits that reflect you, and you're not sure what your personal style is. You would see something on someone else and think ‘wow that’s cute’ and buy it, just to find out it didn’t look the same on you. You always feel like you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. You feel like you’re always wasting money buying clothes you never end up wearing. You feel overwhelmed by your stuff, but can’t seem to let go of it.


A Celebrity & Personal Stylist in Mumbai, India Shares How To Transform Your Wardrobe | Simrat Bohra

Talented stylist Simrat Bohra casts her magic on the stunning contestant of ‘Bigg Boss’ Jasmine Bhas

Interview with Simrat Bohra | Celebrity and Personal Stylist | Influencer